Software Developer 👋🏿

Hi, I am a Software developer experience in building and maintaining responsive, user friendly websites and applications.

Tech Stack


About Me

A dedicated software Engineer based in Abuja, Nigeria

Hello! I'm a tech enthusiast with expertise in both frontend and backend development. I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, seamlessly integrated with robust backend solutions. My skills extend to system administration, allowing me to optimize the entire technology stack. Let's build innovative solutions together!


Each project is unique in it's own way 😉

Affnidi (OAuth)

Affinidi is a decentralized identity platform that enables trusted and verifiable data exchange. This project is a simple implementation of the Affinidi OAUTH flow.

Affinidi is a decentralized identity platform that enables trusted and verifiable data exchange. This project is a simple implementation of the Affinidi OAUTH flow.

Movie Recommendation App

A simple movie recommendation app that uses the TMDB API.

A simple movie recommendation app that uses the TMDB API.

My online portfolio. This website is built with Next.js and TailwindCSS.

My online portfolio. This website is built with Next.js and TailwindCSS.

Analytic Dashboard

A simple analytic dashboard that displays data from a JSON file.

A simple analytic dashboard that displays data from a JSON file.

Circle Wallet Extension

A simple wallet extension that allows users to send and receive Circle tokens. This project is built with React.js and TailwindCSS.

A simple wallet extension that allows users to send and receive Circle tokens. This project is built with React.js and TailwindCSS.
